Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Get On Your Face Paint

This morning there were two cigarettes so I was not all that nice to Chris on accident (I seriously did not mean it), I was 5 minutes late for work, the hall monitor noticed so I am sure I was marked down for being tardy, I was on hold for 10 minutes with PG&E, I found a wasp inside the building, in order to get my little sister here I have to let her use my car tomorrow so she can continue with the weight loss program, AND there are leaks in the ceiling. 

You know what?! That's fine. I have gotten a lot done in an hour and a half including setting up an appointment for the PG&E Smart AC program, Changing the destination of a package, re-recording the voice-mail, I changed someone's first name in the system, emailed the company responsible for one of the leaks, searched for a projector on/off remote, and did my make-up. So I have been handling my day quite well. 

I need to finish the Inventory SOP, this damn standard operating procedure is DRIVING ME CRAZY. So many details keep getting added and removed and then we have a meeting about it once it is complete only to add more details. It is really quite frustrating. However, once I am done with this blog I will go through the processes again to make sure it is 100% again. If the president of the company wants to change it 100 more times, well then I will change it 100 more times. This is my job. This is what I am supposed to do. (which does not mean I will not complain about it or do mindless things such as writing in a blog, but blogging helps keep me calm.)

Okay so I am not exactly calm. My calmness comes in waves. I am actually feeling great about my job. I know I will complete everything I need to today with plenty of time to spare (I also have to re-arrange the shipping room to make sure we can lock product up behind an additional door) So work is not one of my worries. 

What I am worried about: (because this is quite necessary news, right?)

  • My dad is getting married in a week and a half. 
  • I am supposed to do the toast, which I have partially written down.
  • Most of my dad's family is coming down from Oregon
  • My mom is also coming down from Oregon, the same weekend as Natalie's Birthday, Fathers Day, and Noelle/AJ's wedding
  • I am taking Brandon, Carly, and Amanda (my older sister's kids) on Saturday. I am a pretty cool person but I don't hang with kids that often so I need something AWESOME to do with them. 
  • My mind is battling my body on my decision to buy the Nicotine patch. (oh and my wallet jumps in every now and then)
  • Money.
  • Chris has to get a line of Credit to fix his car.
  • Our washer is broken

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This is where you write and I read. It's a give and take relationship we have.