So I kidnapped this from another blog. It was informative and I think a good base for relationships so I wanted to compare.
If you’re in a healthy relationship, you know it. In fact, you and your mate likely worked hard to get to that point. However, it’s not always a clear when we’re NOT in a healthy love relationship. Why? Well, we usually carry on relationships in ways that we learned from others—and to us it seems normal.
We may not realize that our parents’ 40 year marriage was the epitome of dysfunction. We may think Leave it to Beaver was the perfect example of what life, relationships, and family are all about. We may not realize that smiling, happy couples have problems behind closed doors.
The 40 healthy relationship signs below are meant to open your eyes to what healthy relationships are all about. It’s not all smiles and kissy-face; but it’s real.
You can be your true selves with each other.[I am a pretty nerdy person. I laugh at things that are simple, I don't feel ashamed of my weirdness, and even though he looks at me crazy I know he loves it.]You feel comfortable sharing your deepest thoughts, fears, and emotions with each other.[After 7 years, I have learned a lot about him... and he has learned a lot about me because we have shared those thoughts, fears, and emotions.]You rarely lie to each other, but you also refrain from beingbrutally honest.[We both understand there are things that should not be shared... i.e. guy talk. But are able to be honest.]You give each other space and/or “Me time.”[Something I can proudly say we are good at.]You make it through rough times as a couple without splitting up.[Something that is in the works. We have split up in the past but I think we are both have been working on this.. this time around]You agree (or genuinely agree to disagree) on financial matters.[Being poor is hard, but it is something we are dealing with and I think we are doing a pretty good job at]- You treat each other the way you would like to be treated, not necessarily the way you feel you’re being treated at the moment. [We are prideful people.]
- You and your mate completely deal with your problems, refusing to leave them unresolved until resentments form. [An issue with us. Chris likes to discuss problems when sometimes I would just like to ignore it. Something I have been trying to work on]
You forgive each other for mistakes.[We definitely have made mistakes and although aware of the mistakes we have forgave each other.]You don’t tell each other what you should or shouldn’t think/feel.- You both listen without interrupting. [An issue with me. ]
You respect each others’ privacy.- You speak each others’ Love Language, even if it’s different from your own. [Not sure what the LOVE LANGUAGE is]
You willingly make sacrifices for each other.[We do]- You share mutual interests and activities. [This is something we also need to improve on, just need to find more things that we like to do... I am sure we like similar things... but we just don't do much outside of the house]
You respect each others’ individuality and make the most of your differences.You act as each others’ backbone, providing loving support without guilt.[He is my rock and I am his]You share spiritual beliefs or a spiritual connection.You show sensitivity to each others’ needs.[All except the dog issue... I think we have this covered]- You discuss and negotiate instead of fighting. [This happens, it does. Except it is normally not soon enough... so we fight then discuss]
Each partner takes responsibility for their own thoughts and feelings.There is mutual trust and dedication.[Something that has taken time]You have a strong friendship.[Chris is the coolest person I know, I know that sounds incredibly nerdy... but it's true I really enjoy talking with him, hanging out with him, and listening to his ideas.]In addition to loving each other, you genuinely like each other.You don’t judge or force your opinions on each other.- You take quality time to nurture your relationship. [We don't have a lot of time. Working opposite schedules is quite difficult. However, I have learned to live with this. I remember a time when I would be upset or pissed off about it. But right now we are doing what we can to make it work financially]
Both partners maintains his/her own set of boundaries and respects the boundaries of the other.- You are both attentive to the needs of yourself and the other. [Something that needs to be worked on]
You enjoy physical contact (hugs, kisses, cuddling, sex) together.[Something that we enjoy but don't do as often as I would like... work schedules seriously effect this]You show appreciation for each other.[I think I am a true romantic. lol.]Hardship, uncertainty, and disagreements are accepted as a part of life.[We've been together long enough to know this is the truth, but also no none of it would be worth it without the other]You communicate openly and meaningfully with each other.There is equal power between you and your mate.You keep your expectations of each other in check.You genuinely apologize to one another when feelings are hurt.- You and your mate speak up assertively instead of expecting the other to read minds. [I expect him to mind read. I know, I know. Bad Megan. Another thing I am working on]
You both eliminate passive aggressive behavior (ignoring, silent treatment, eye rolling, stomping, hanging up the phone) as much as possible.You have a strong sense of interdependence (mutual responsibility) to each other rather than dependence or co-dependence. [Although I have struggled with Co-dependence for a long time I think I am getting better at it]- You avoid going to bed mad.
You CAN live without each other, but you choose each other over every alternative choice.
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This is where you write and I read. It's a give and take relationship we have.