I know whining does NOT help the situation. However, I feel if I write down why I am in panic mode it may help me take corrective actions.
Stressor #1: Money is the root of evil, but it sure would be nice to have some... evil or not. I keep making plans on how Chris and I to use our money but it some how is always fudged. And as much as I would like to blame Chris for everything I definitely cannot. I looked at my last 3 months statements and I spend more money on fast food than I would like to admit. I guess at that moment I am justified. [Hunger. Food. Yeah.] But then after I think to myself why did I just sped $8.45 on a burger and fries when this could have bought me supplies to make sandwiches for a week? Definitely something I need to control.

Stressor #3: School. dlskfjafhklsgdkjgbsjknalskfh < that is how I feel about it. So I thought I was ahead of the game and I picked my classes early. However, I now realize I need other classes that land on the same days as the classes I chose. The problem? It's always a pain to add into a class. It is a battle I would rather not fight. Plus, I was somewhat scooted into Liberal Arts with Emphasis on Social Sciences. Whatever, I can't add the classes until Fall anyways. So why stress now.
Hm. Well I guess I am not that
It will all be okay. One day at a time, one foot forward.
June is an intense month.
Chris is going to Vegas for Dan's Bachelor party
Aunt Time: I am taking Brandon, Carly, and Amanda for a day
Birthdays: Brooke, Angie/Monica, Brie, Natalie, Kyle, U.S, & Logan
Father's Day
Weddings: My Dad&Angie, Noelle&AJ
Family: My mom is coming Down, My Dad's family is coming down, and Chris' family is coming out.
Chris keeps mentioning I should talk to Dan's fiance to see if I can come along (I guess she is having her Bachelorette party at the same time in Vegas) I know her but I have not spoke to her in a long time. Plus, I was not invited. Plus, it will already be pricey to have Chris go.
I am not sure what exactly he is thinking. I am starting to wonder if:
- He thinks I am going to do something crazy while he is gone (I'm not. I will probably spend the weekend at home drinking wine maybe planting a garden in the front area. Woot woot)
- He thinks I will start a fight with him about it. I can understand why he thinks that. Vegas + Men + Alcohol = Fight Producer. However, I trust him. I think he really needs to go but I think me encouraging him is making him freak out even more about it.

One day I will be an awesome craft warrior. This is the beginning. *Ninja Noises*
[oh wait a minute. Ninja's don't make noises!]
So even though I am not doing what I thought I was going to do... I will have time this memorial day weekend to start my project.
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This is where you write and I read. It's a give and take relationship we have.